Friday, April 10, 2009

Fwd: Fw: Premajyothi Visitors Application

Dear Brothers and Sisters,sairam
How are you all doing?
Trust this will find you in good health and cheer!
You will recall,last week I sent a long list of Premajyothi visitors who have expressed a desire to associate with our Organisation and participate in our programmes from time to time.
That was 7000 plus names coming from different locations.
I have also sent a mail to all of you to -form reception teams- in each samithi,contact these people,meet them and create an ambiance for them to be with us participating in our programmes.
I am happy to learn that some of our samithi's have commenced this gigantic task and I have had an opportunity to meet them as well.
To further simply locating and make area listings,our Brother Sri Venugopal prasad(Klayan nagar) has designed an appropriate application soft ware tool to enable you to exactly locate and identify people in your specific ares.
I have tried this and is very user friendly and effective simple tool.
Please utilize this tool and speed up your work which in fact a kind of fun that you will enjoy doing it!
Call sri Venugopal if you have any hurdles
Thanks,love and regards
Looking forward
Your District President

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Venu Gopal <>
To: Srinivasulu H <>
Cc: Ramana Reddy Kalam <>; Ravikiran sreepada <>; "Sreepada, Ravikiran (GE Indust, ConsInd)" <>
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 11:03:35 AM
Subject: Premajyothi Visitors Application

Sairam Srinivasulugu garu,
I was spending time to develop a small application one for Samithi brothers (not only convenors but also others who are interested to pull the data to mobilize sai devotees based on the Excel) and another for our sai brothers who are entering the data in Excel. Instead if they enter into this application, that information is immediately available for convenors:
URL for General Samithi leaders:
In this we need to provide the name of the area and it will pull based on the input. for example sangeev reddy nagar area is typed in different ways in the excel. they are like 'S.R. Nagar', 'SR Nagar', S.R Nagar', 'S.R.Nagar' 'Sanjeev reddy nagar', 'sanjeevreddy nagar'. so we need to use different combinations and when you click on "Go", it will show all available names in that "Area_of_Residence". Those results can be saved as a Excel using "Export to Excel" button. so each samithi can provide the areas that falls under their Samithi and with the help of Emails / mobile / address, they can mobilize people
URL for Data Entry:
This link provides a list of available Visitors in the database and we can edit the information for corrections using "Edit" link in each Visitor Row. We can add new Visitor Data into database using "New Visitor" where he can type in (instead of Excel) and update database. That way, we need not to make all authors (who enter the data) to assemble at one place, but can be entered from any part of the world.
Please have a look and if you feel this is helpful, you can guide and suggest me what else is needed to improve this so that all information can be captured and secondly how effectively samithis make use of this information.
LandLine:(040) 2383 4050

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