Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bala Vikas - a suggested approach - 29 May 08

One question that comes on and on in our Organisation ,and needs our attention. is about Balavikas in the city and at a number of places.Some how most of us seem to feel and live with the following problems.

1. Children do not come regularly and continuously to the classes.

2. The parents also do not show interest and follow up.In fact they pull out their children for out side programmes of their interests.

3.The parents - children present day trends are not very encouraging.

4.We have been/are doing all that needs to be done but with no results

5.There are not many Gurus who are regular and even they are not properly trained.

6.There is no new breed of young Gurus.

7.Now what do we do ?

The following approach will certainly improve the situation with prayers!

1.Every teacher must be up to date in the methods and content of the Balavikas syllabus with new and innovative/creative tecniques that makes the childrens’ presence interesting and lively.

2.Children's participation in the programmes must be utmost-child must be given opportunity to speak sing,read write ,draw,paint with the present day environment in view.

3.We must be able to embrace the changing approach and circumstances with out compromising on the fundamentals of the SAI philosophy.

4.Every student must be contacted on phone every week to ascertain his/her coming to the class-even though there is a break.

5.Every parent must also be contacted every week if necessary and request them to send their child .

6.Parents must be invited to the class for observation and encourage them to participate.This can happen only when their child is participating individually some time or the other.

7.The guru must also visit the child's home once in a way and appraise the parents about the progress and interest of the children.This contact will be very useful for mutual benefit.

8.Parents meet must be there along with children every quarter and celebrate with cultural event by the children with a party and prize distribution.

9.senior balavikas children should have a day of Bhajan singing at Sivam and parents should be invited.

10.Annual balavikas rally and a programme exclusively for children at Sivam should be conducted.

11.The teaching syllabus should also be mixed with environmental related issues,traffic, do's and do not's-civic sense,manners,public behavior,communication,responsibilities etc should be taught in every class bit by bit-with questions/answers/quiz programmes etc.

12.The teachers should always be available on the balavikas day with out any break-they can even skip other prasanthinilayam duties if need be- but stay put at the venue under all- except under exceptional personal reasons.Under such circumstances an alternative teacher must take over.

13.Finally,prayers to Swami to help us!

When you read through all the above we are likely ( it could be true) to say sir! we have tried all those since years but no use!-Then what we should do is keep trying -keep trying and keep on trying----on on on... but never say give it up.....because we have taken up this in our mission with HIM.

Three more villages chosen for SSSVIP activities – 27 May 08

We had a rewarding experience on 27th May 08 , when we visited Veerareddy palli in Nalgonda district, Jainpally in Nalagonda district and Chinthanoothala in Mehaboobnagar District.These are the three more new villages chosen for for SSS VIP out of the 9 villages we have undertaken for 2007-08.

Where ever we went it was a warm, loving welcome from the villagers ,with curiosity and keen interest in our participation in their village development .Evidently they are looking for a guiding and helping hand with a sense of direction.

We left home at 6 am and returned at 9.30 pm after a hectic travel,interaction with our members and village folk at every place.Our group comprising Sri Y.Srinivas.Sri Saigollapudi, Sri Nageswar Rao,Sri Ramnana Reddy,Sri Bhaskar rao were engrossed in talking to the village folk to bring out their best thoughts and village needs has been an experience indeed.

Their conversation has been the feature of this trip and a kind of platform to tailor our services to suit their need.It is interesting to learn that there has been a large component of unemployed and directionless youth in all villages we visited.Our focus will be towards addressing this aspect largely.We also noticed the need to provide safe clean drinking water to these villages.

It also appears that ,in addition to medical and agro needs there is a requiremnt of providing good quality fodder to the cattle.The milk production is far below the average yield presently. This area needs our prime attention.Our brother Srinivas tells us there is a definite possibility of growing fodder in the lakes available in those villages during summer. They have done this successfully in Anantapur district last year.We will now be working on this on priority basis.This is going to be a divine boon if we work on and focus our attention.

In this trip ,we all learnt that ,simultaneously,our services are going on well, in all the SSSVIP villages viz.,Bahadupet,Manthapuri,Ikkurthi, Dilawarpur, Salabhanipalli, Mallapur and in Nagasanipalli villages,with both the seniors and youth teams working together in full strength.Our De-Fluoridation plant building is getting ready in Dilawarpur and we are likely to commission this facility in mid february to serve 1500 people every day with safe clean drinking water.

We are delighted to hear a great deal of good and positive approach in the village Nagasanipalli and the way the village folk are responding to us.Good job dear young and old!We are very happy that all our Samithi and unit in charges are in the SSSVIP locations where ever we visited and fully engrossed in-the services.What a sight to see them happily talking about their plans and approach but nothing else?

Finally,I would like to convey my concern that it is very,very,very important that your teams must visit every home in every village we have in SSSVIP at any cost and interact with them every one of them ,with love and concern.

This is very similar to our own level of delight when we visit BHAGAWAN at Prasanthi and more so when HE talks to you and much more when HE visits your home in physical form.Such is the experience we have to provide to all the village folk.This is the prime concept and expectation from our beloved Swami and the service is incomplete with out it! Is it difficult?

Visit to the Bowenpally Unit – 16 May 08

Like we programmed we were at Bowenpally unit of our city SSSO last evening. We had a bhajan session to begin with followed by a briefing by our city service coordinator Sri Ramana Reddy on the concept of the meet.

Sri PC.Sastry garu gave an account of Prasanthi Nilayam core wing needs and the eligibility criteria.The DP explained the need to learn and follow the fundamental concept of the teachings of the Avatar and faith in His Divinity as this should form the basis for all our behavior and existence.This is a factor that determines ones happiness or otherwise!

He invited questions from ladies and gents in the audience.As usual it was rather slow and hesitant to begin with but slowly it picked up and opened up!The DP answered them in his talk in general and in specifics as required.The principle of action and reaction related Karma theory was explained to drive the point.

It was observed that devotees were not well informed about what is happening in the Organisation and are absorbed in their routine services such as bhajans,Nagarasankirthan , Narayana seva,medical service etc.The DP described in detail the SSSVIP concept step by step and also gave clear working procedure as to how each samithi/group has to plan in a manner that is not burdensome and at the same time enjoyable.Those interested could learn more about the same by simply referring to several mails sent to the members since January this year

He wanted each group to serve for 5 hrs on a particular Sunday of their choice in a month.Similarly the Balavikas gurus can be in a village for hardly 2 hrs on a Sunday.When we have options of four groups it is very comfortable to serve every Sunday in the coming three years.The DP also gave guide lines as to how to attract and encourage newcomers and the youth members into the Organization.

Here too we were informed by the ladies that they have very little idea on what is going on and are not clear as to where and how to begin?We have informed They were told that the Mahila incharge of the city would be briefed about their requirements and and they will hear from her soonest.

Visit to the Marredpalli Samithi – 16th May 08

We were there promptly as promised with our Maredpalli brothers and sisters.We were delighted to see the gathering.Once again a nice bhajan session and a great feeling of peace and joy!

This place has memorable history where we had senior Hyderabad members like Sri Utchil Anand, Sri Purushottam. Smt Malathi Mami,Subramaaniam uncle,Mudaliar and late Sri Patnaick were at their best with Swami visiting their homes many times in the late 1960's.At that time it was known asSecunderabad zone.

Not many would know that this unit has a nice recently acquired mandir/service center exclusively for their use gifted by a very senior devotee by name Sri Venkateswar Rao Naidu a former Judge of the High Court.This is in picket area in Jyothi colony near the AOC Kirki gate adjacent road. This place has a nice Bhajan hall and an ante room for a reading and library facility with books neatly stacked.75 year old Sri Naidu was there during the visit and we had some good exchange of views of the olden days with him.How many of us can do what Sri Naidu has done that in these real estate ruling days?

It was a special occasion and honor for us to have Dr.Ramachandra Reddy our state trust member in the audience.At the outset Sri Ramana Reddy our District Seva Dal Convenor, explained the purpose and mission of this meeting and Sri PC Sastry garu appealed for the core group needs of Prasanthi Nilayam services.

Here the question and answer session had a slight peculiarity, in the sense that every question also seemed to be have the answer as well.This shows that we also know the reasons for our failures.Some times this shows up as our own mental block, apprehensions,dwindling interest and life circumstances, lack of self motivation, communication, discontinuity in attendance,always expecting some one to lead us,or tell us what to do ? And we often project these causes, as the work of some outsider's interference! It is all in you?

The DP discussed all the projected issues and wanted all of us to focus on our understanding the concept of Divinity,the emphasis on our own individual roles and the concept of service which is absolutely essential for our own sake! This is the only way Bhagawan wanted and the only way we can see HIM and enjoy our role or a given role.He further ,wanted all members whether or not in the organization, to participate in the service of the SSSVIP.

He wanted all the Samithi members to design a time table and follow the same.This would be less burdensome and more enjoyable.He appealed to the Mahilas to participate in all the Organisational programmes with the consent and directions from the mahiladal coordinator.He also laid stress on focussing and concentrating on utilising all the men,material and financial resources twaords the integrated programmes as directed by the Organization , without stopping the existing services in the city.

He wanted every center to become an information and training center in the city.This is how we should provide a push and impetus to the youth of the present day.This is the way to have newer people in the organization. Seniors should give way to newer members by providing responsibilities and opportunities.The conveners were asked to put up information on notice boards in every centers.

Focus during SSSVIP activities

In all our services in SSSVIP,we need to focus our attention on the youth and the young girls and boys of school going categories.They are the one's that need a sense of direction and support.Therefore please organise medical,educational .skills training,nutritional attention to these groups with special reference.

Health and hygiene and value oriented education must be our focus on a regular basis with this target.You cannot do much for the older categories whose way of life is hard core and the habits do not die as long....

Whereever and when ever possible, gather children and provide them sense of direction and value.We need to see that every child is hale and hearty by the next three years.

Inauguration of 4th De – fluoridation plant at Venkatapuram on 30th April 08

Once again like we said we had another Divine opportunity to be with the village folk of Venkatapuram of Nalgonda district to day to inaugurate another the 4th, De-fluoridation plant to serve 1200 men ,women and children who were looking for such a Divine gift from our Swami!This is a 500 lit per hour facility based on reverse Osmosis technology.

It was by chance (Divine) that our members from Nacharam Samithi in search of a suitable SSSVIP village found that this village was suffering from acute fluoride in their daily drinking water.In fact here it is the highest levels of of 3.5 ppm compared to other places,which we worked out - the permissible level being 1.5 ppm and below.

We happened to see their plight and suffering when we witnessed crippled and bow legs, bent down backs,stomach aches and regular head aches and children with dental fluorosis setting in.There was nothing they could do but pray or wait for things to happen from the sky.Many have got used to it as there is nothing they could do!
It is the will of our beloved Swami that we took this challenge as directed.

Amazing as it is our Brothers and sisters from Nacharam samithi instantly got down to the business with out hesitation, plunged in to plan and work details.Incidentally they had two limits set by Swami-one is they have to perform the foundation stone ceremony on 2nd April with out a choice and the inaugurating too must be done at any cost before 30th April.

The simple reason is there are no good/auspicious muhurtahms beyond these limits this year in particular.This means it has to be completed in 28 days?Come what May!-But they did not allow May to come! They finished the task in April itself!

Which means- Acquire land--fix contractors- Construction of pucca concrete roof top room of 10x12-design details and complete finish-electrical systems-tiling- placing an order for a suitable plant after evaluating and negotiating. Laying pipe line from bore wells via a 2000 lit syntax tank installed on top of the building.-Installat ion of the plant itself-testing for quality and out put--fixing the filler points outside-order and procuring of 12 liter Jerry cans for distribution to village folk-Painting outside and writing the inscription titles-fixing the names and inauguration tableau-printing of identify cards etc.

Organizing the village folk and dignitaries for the D-day-food arrangements and transportation ( 65 km) to the site each and every item on a tight schedule-management of men and materials.Above all taking leave on working days?

What about finances? who did it? Not all people know about it ?and it just came with good thought,intentions and HIS will! Once again to prove-you begin -and I will see!
This one we have seen in all our projects and here too!

This is a Divine test for us that too- with no exposures to those high pressure limits!
Obviously the Master gives the tests and also the key and power to execute and the only thing we need to do is to put in the effort that is required,sincerely and honestly.

They told me wonderful Swami's Leela's in this project- It was not only no obstruction any where-but all things were in right places-even they found some one, unknown depositing money in to their account passbook from a far away district?-unknown subjects support etc.

In any case we had a good time in the morning listening to the village folk present and past office bearers,wonderful expressions of gratitude and acknowledgment of this Divine service-They pledged their support and cooperation and working together in our future services there!

Our Nacharam teams have done a great and good job in such an unimaginable time frame with so many details and I can not put these in words with my limited vocabulary-but simply say it is HIS work and grace through these wonderful set of Divine souls.

The plant inauguration was done by Sri RV.Chandravadan IAS ,who gave us his wonderful support and pledged his contribution for any new project of this nature , in the furture.He promised his support and help for the village development as and when they approached him.This morning through his hands we distributed the first nine cans of purified water to the members of the village.

At the same time Amruthaklasams were also given to some of the selected poor families of the village folk.It was heartening to see the neighboring village folk and Sarpach Sri Balaih from Mallapur coming to witness this programme and speak about our organization service in detail with advice to to the villagers with his exposure to SSSO.

Group Discussions on SSSVIP – 26 th Apr 08

With the concerted efforts of Shri Sunder Rao (JD Agri - rtd) and Shri Vijay Kumar (AD - Agri) we will be able to procure quality seed for Kharif season as given below:
Paddy : BPT variety, certified seed - Govt. will fix the price & disbursement will happen from May 15-20. >30Kg seed / acre. Yield 30bags
PHB-71, hybrid paddy variety from PIONEER Hyd Intl, is ready for disbursement. The company headed by Dr.Shyam Sunder Singh & Mr. Anjaneyulu (South India manager) has agreed to fix the price @ Rs160 / Kg Only 6 kg seed is required per Acre. Yield is > 45 bags / acre

Farmers training on paddy with DSR (direct seeding of rice) - PHI technology, with out Labour requirement, is slated for :10th May: MALLAPUR & VEERAREDDYPALLI. Venue: MALLAPUR High School.11th May: Bhadurpet cluster + Vartoor. Venue: IKKURTHY High SchoolThis program will be conducted by Mr. Sadashiva, senior Agronomist fromPioneer Hybrid Intl + Vijay Kumar (AD - Agri) .Separate training sessions are being planned for for Nagasanipalle & Cheepununthala villages .
Door 2 Door with Doctors : We are trying to involve Medical colleges for this important task. A brochure is being prepared for this.Extending subsidy for Seeds and Fertilizers: Mr. Sunder Rao will initiateCorrespondence, officially thru SSSSO, to Commissioner of griculture as there is no Govt. subsidy for paddy / Rice varieties.
Extending subsidy for Seeds and Fertilizers: Mr. Sunder Rao will initiateCorrespondence, officially thru SSSSO, to Commissioner of Agriculture as there is no Govt. subsidy for paddy / Rice varieties.

SSSVIP approach to service – Dec 07

We have been in the planning stage of SSSVIP for too long and we need to get on with the work now.We also having been emphasizing, that all samithis and units have to work together in this programme for successful, enjoyable and burden less situation with enough space and time for all concerned.As we go along with this programme and details, it appears to me that we need to concentrate only on two major heads to begin with.

They are Medical and Agro services. These two modules require more people and on a regular and continuous basis. We also have the veterinary module as well.The teams for educare, spiritual and employment opportunities-home science are separate and are executed on the whole village basis. They are smaller in size comparatively.

To provide a start let us start with medical module that also encompasses, health care and nutritional care as a package.We will commence this medical module with a batch of FOUR people comprising a doctor, a trained and knowledgeable health care person, a nutritional person and a smart young general member. One of them could be a lady member. This will be a carload with enough medicines for a day to cover 12 homes in a chosen village.They should commence their work at 9 am and complete by 12.30 pm and return to Hyderabad for lunch.Any serious and follow up cases will be turned on to the city as usual.

Based on the number of doctors available we can have total four groups (Batches) for each village with similar set of skills visiting 12 homes each in the same above-mentioned manner on a particular Sunday.

In this manner in place like Bahadurpet, which has 250 homes, we can complete it in one month.
We expect these four batches can complete 50 homes on any given Sunday. Any batch will have service time tabled for a visit only once in a month. This batch will go only the next month to the same homes and same village for the next three years. This goes on till all are well looked after and hale and healthy.

In this manner we will conduct in other villages also with different batches and teams on a continuous basis.We will learn and understand things more clearly as we go on and then we will alter our plans to suit a situation. We may reduce the visits as well based on a particular demand or necessity.We estimate that we need about 45 doctors for this assignment in all.Now you are required to meet and plan out the required supporting personal and get on with the tasks soonest.

Please keep us informed your planning schedules and the list of persons supporting these modules.

We now have the following places to be covered in our SSSVIP :

This group of villages will be in the hands and care of the following members designated

A. Bahadurpet/Manthapuri/Ikkurthi/Dilwarpur/Sarbanipalli of Aleru mandal of Nalgonda district organized and managed by the group leader Sri V.Gopalakrishna garu and others unit in charges.

Samithis and Units of Mallapuram/AS Rao nagar/Defence colony/Kamalanagar.
B. Mallapur village and cluster of Yadagirigutta mandal of Nalgonda district

Samithis and Units of Vidyanagar/Prasanthinagar/Nallakunta/Boyaguda/Nacharam by the group leaders Sri J.G.Sastry garu and Sri Venkataramana garu
C. Nagasani palli and cluster of Medak District

Samithis and units of Mahedipatnam, Koti, Kalyangar-lead by the group leader
Sri P.Venkateswarlu garu
D.New nominated villages-yet to be finalized by the end of January 2008

Samithis and units of Vanasthalipuram/Saroornagar/Malakpet—Lead by Sri.P.Vasudeva rao garu
E. New nominated village-yet be finalized by the end of January 2008

Samithis and Units of Safilguda/Mallikarjun nagar/Bowenpalli-lead by Sri C.N.Gopal Rao garu
F. New nominated village-yet be finalized by the end of January 2008

Samithis and units of Habshiguda/Himayatnagar/Ameerpet/Gandhinagar lead by Sri K.Veeraswamy garu and Sri Madhusudan Rao garu and Sri Gajapathi Raju garu
All these groups will have youth teams residing in those areas specified and will be attached and work together as programmed by the group leaders.
There will be rotational responsibilities of all conveners as well as required.

Newly nominated villages should be below 250 homes and a distance of less than 70 km and out of main road preferably and requiring some dire need of service.

The modules, training programmes and contents as required is under preparation and will be delivered soonest by the first week of January 2008.
We also need to select at least 15/20 youth in every village we visit and then introduce these programmes and work through them.