Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bala Vikas - a suggested approach - 29 May 08

One question that comes on and on in our Organisation ,and needs our attention. is about Balavikas in the city and at a number of places.Some how most of us seem to feel and live with the following problems.

1. Children do not come regularly and continuously to the classes.

2. The parents also do not show interest and follow up.In fact they pull out their children for out side programmes of their interests.

3.The parents - children present day trends are not very encouraging.

4.We have been/are doing all that needs to be done but with no results

5.There are not many Gurus who are regular and even they are not properly trained.

6.There is no new breed of young Gurus.

7.Now what do we do ?

The following approach will certainly improve the situation with prayers!

1.Every teacher must be up to date in the methods and content of the Balavikas syllabus with new and innovative/creative tecniques that makes the childrens’ presence interesting and lively.

2.Children's participation in the programmes must be utmost-child must be given opportunity to speak sing,read write ,draw,paint with the present day environment in view.

3.We must be able to embrace the changing approach and circumstances with out compromising on the fundamentals of the SAI philosophy.

4.Every student must be contacted on phone every week to ascertain his/her coming to the class-even though there is a break.

5.Every parent must also be contacted every week if necessary and request them to send their child .

6.Parents must be invited to the class for observation and encourage them to participate.This can happen only when their child is participating individually some time or the other.

7.The guru must also visit the child's home once in a way and appraise the parents about the progress and interest of the children.This contact will be very useful for mutual benefit.

8.Parents meet must be there along with children every quarter and celebrate with cultural event by the children with a party and prize distribution.

9.senior balavikas children should have a day of Bhajan singing at Sivam and parents should be invited.

10.Annual balavikas rally and a programme exclusively for children at Sivam should be conducted.

11.The teaching syllabus should also be mixed with environmental related issues,traffic, do's and do not's-civic sense,manners,public behavior,communication,responsibilities etc should be taught in every class bit by bit-with questions/answers/quiz programmes etc.

12.The teachers should always be available on the balavikas day with out any break-they can even skip other prasanthinilayam duties if need be- but stay put at the venue under all- except under exceptional personal reasons.Under such circumstances an alternative teacher must take over.

13.Finally,prayers to Swami to help us!

When you read through all the above we are likely ( it could be true) to say sir! we have tried all those since years but no use!-Then what we should do is keep trying -keep trying and keep on trying----on on on... but never say give it up.....because we have taken up this in our mission with HIM.

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