Saturday, May 31, 2008

Three more villages chosen for SSSVIP activities – 27 May 08

We had a rewarding experience on 27th May 08 , when we visited Veerareddy palli in Nalgonda district, Jainpally in Nalagonda district and Chinthanoothala in Mehaboobnagar District.These are the three more new villages chosen for for SSS VIP out of the 9 villages we have undertaken for 2007-08.

Where ever we went it was a warm, loving welcome from the villagers ,with curiosity and keen interest in our participation in their village development .Evidently they are looking for a guiding and helping hand with a sense of direction.

We left home at 6 am and returned at 9.30 pm after a hectic travel,interaction with our members and village folk at every place.Our group comprising Sri Y.Srinivas.Sri Saigollapudi, Sri Nageswar Rao,Sri Ramnana Reddy,Sri Bhaskar rao were engrossed in talking to the village folk to bring out their best thoughts and village needs has been an experience indeed.

Their conversation has been the feature of this trip and a kind of platform to tailor our services to suit their need.It is interesting to learn that there has been a large component of unemployed and directionless youth in all villages we visited.Our focus will be towards addressing this aspect largely.We also noticed the need to provide safe clean drinking water to these villages.

It also appears that ,in addition to medical and agro needs there is a requiremnt of providing good quality fodder to the cattle.The milk production is far below the average yield presently. This area needs our prime attention.Our brother Srinivas tells us there is a definite possibility of growing fodder in the lakes available in those villages during summer. They have done this successfully in Anantapur district last year.We will now be working on this on priority basis.This is going to be a divine boon if we work on and focus our attention.

In this trip ,we all learnt that ,simultaneously,our services are going on well, in all the SSSVIP villages viz.,Bahadupet,Manthapuri,Ikkurthi, Dilawarpur, Salabhanipalli, Mallapur and in Nagasanipalli villages,with both the seniors and youth teams working together in full strength.Our De-Fluoridation plant building is getting ready in Dilawarpur and we are likely to commission this facility in mid february to serve 1500 people every day with safe clean drinking water.

We are delighted to hear a great deal of good and positive approach in the village Nagasanipalli and the way the village folk are responding to us.Good job dear young and old!We are very happy that all our Samithi and unit in charges are in the SSSVIP locations where ever we visited and fully engrossed in-the services.What a sight to see them happily talking about their plans and approach but nothing else?

Finally,I would like to convey my concern that it is very,very,very important that your teams must visit every home in every village we have in SSSVIP at any cost and interact with them every one of them ,with love and concern.

This is very similar to our own level of delight when we visit BHAGAWAN at Prasanthi and more so when HE talks to you and much more when HE visits your home in physical form.Such is the experience we have to provide to all the village folk.This is the prime concept and expectation from our beloved Swami and the service is incomplete with out it! Is it difficult?

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