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srinivasulu huggahalli <srisathyasaihyd@gmail.com>Date: Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Hyderabadcityyouth] Another Life Saved on 19 March 09
To: Bhimashankaram P <
pbhim@rediffmail.com>, butchivenkatrau jiddu <
b_jiddu@yahoo.co.in>, Chalam SG <
sgchalam@yahoo.com>, chandramowli m <
chandramowlim@yahoo.co.in>, "d.vishnuvardhan rao" <
dvvrao@yahoo.com>, Dr RL Dhar <
rattan_dhar@hotmail.com>, janardha samavedam <
Sai Ram Brothers,
It was 3:40 am and the number that flashed on the mobile phone was not from India... "wrong number" was my first thought.
The voice on the other line, from other side of the world, California, came straight to the point. His father was admitted in a Hospital in AS Rao Nagar and needed O+ Platelets immediately. The count had fallen to Zero while it should be in thousands!!
The Son works for Oracle in California and after many futile attempts got to know from somebody that the Sai Organisation could possibly be the only one to get a donor at that point in time of the night.
There was no time to waste....I was in Bengaluru but there was no reason to fear...I immediately logged on to our online donor database and searched for names... the first was not able to pickup the call. The second one, Arvind from Boenpally responded immediately and without any apprehension was ready to go.
When we spoke to the wife of the patient we learned that he was being shifted to another Hospital in Jubilee Hills as the condition was very critical. We immediately logged on to the database again and searched for someone who lived closer to that area. Anand was the name and when called his response was immediate again. By around 4:30am Anand was on the way to the Hospital. Arvind was on standby in case they wanted more.
The process of taking the Platelets out of blood is long. Anand was there in the Hospital till about 10:30 AM and later went to office. Undoubtedly, it was Swami's Grace at work.
Salutes to the spirit of Sai Seva Dal!!!
Sai Ram.
P.S: In case you are not registered yet, please do so immediately by logging on to http://www.saiyouth.org/registration.jsp. Who knows it might be your opportunity next to save someone's life.
Jai Sai Ram
1-11-251/B,Apartment- A 203
"The Windsor"
Brindavan colony
TEL:040 66317091
MOBILE:98497 54445
1-11-251/B,Apartment- A 203
"The Windsor"
Brindavan colony
TEL:040 66317091
MOBILE:98497 54445
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