Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Would you not like to be part of the mission?

Dear Brothers and sisters, Sairam and good day!

It is quite some time since we are active in the SSS VIP tasks in the Hyderabad district.I am happy to inform you that we have very substantial participation and progress in services in 10 villages around the city of Hyderabad.I am glad we are able to connect with the village folk and our senior members and youth wings have really been working hard in spite of the routine job pressures and avocations they are involved at home and in their careers.We have rewarding experiance from the village folk!

I appreciate and realize that this has been possible by HIS will and your love for HIM.It is not not that easy to be available week after week and be present in the unscheduled SSSSO meetings.In this process,we recognized such wonderful set of people we have here with us in our organization.But it is happening because of HIS back up and grace.He is just doing this for our good sake!

As we go along this journey,I begin to realize more and more how insignificant we can be or problems can be?Looking back I could not imagine that we can mobilize so much of resource in men, material and help from unexpected quarters in so many ways! Great and good productive ideas are being offered by many brothers and sisters.

We are able to connect to the best of brains from the city elite in this process.We still have unexplored avenues in plenty!I reckon that all our brothers and sisters should recognize and realize that how fortunate we are to be in HIS mission of the Avatar? Could you recognize how beautifully HE engaged you and me?

It is unbearable pain when I hear, some one tells me directly or indirectly that they do not know what is happening? or some one say they did not tell me? or no body bothered to tell me? or Am I supposed to be in SSS VIP?Or some one say, no need, I can be different?Or some one say that some body told me that all need not participate? Some one say" Do you think I am useful"?

Bhagawan when he created this facility said" every body including the old , the young children(men,women,youth) must participate in this programme for their own good.
Members must be focused and participate in the Organization designed programmes and not create your own! If you do,it will dilute your resources in men,materials and finances and your thoughts even! be careful!-your journey will be out of track-shunted to goods yard?

We have been making and creating several routes to let people know what we are doing and what you have to do collectively? I have been explaining this aspect in our Samithi meets.We know,we still need to do a lot more and we will do it with HIS power and our effort!But you too have a part in this mission-you have God given skills (positive) that need to be offered at HIS lotus feet even though----some one does not invite you specifically-we need to look for opportunities to serve-how? where? and what? is your purview too! We know that we do not do this for the DP or HS?

Gone are the limits to wait until some one tells and some one does-This can happen in places where wages are paid.Here-be creative,innovative and be part of it! Say "I am here to take this responsibility".But this must be honest,sincere and with love for HIM.There will be obstructions,there will be humiliations,but there is joy and bliss waiting too, at the end of the tunnel.

We look forward to your participation and joining us to be with our groups serving in villages round the clock in thought and on week ends physically.

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