Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We continued our journey through the Samithi's after some gap.This is on account of various priorities of other activities.We were in Mallapur Samithi on Saturday the 14th of June 2008 and had the opportunity to meet and interact with some of the seniors and juniors of the Samithi.

We had an enchanting bhajan to begin with and then the session. Dr.Krishnakumar spoke on the importance of sadhana and the focus of the SSS VIP,while Sri Ramana Reddy provided the purpose of the meet and aims and objectives of the session. Sri PC Sastry garu high lighted the need of the services at Hyderabad and at Prasanthi with special reference to the core group needs in terms of qualifications and physical attributes of the group candidates.He emphasized on the Swami 's residential security needs in particular.

The DP expressed his satisfaction on the progress and achievement of the Samithi in all related service fronts, with special reference to Matha Sisu services in the villages. The DP at the out set provided the basic concept one need to know whether or not in the organization for a better and happy living. This includes concept of Divinity,and our realization that services are basically for our own up liftment and good.This is designed by Swami to nullify the bad Karma with good one that would accumulate while in service to the needy in the society.

The DP has emphasised on the need to avoid, judging others and making attempts to change others.He stressed on the need to judge ourselves and make an attempt to change our thinking and approach rather than wasting our whole life, attempting to preach others as to what they should be doing? He also emphasized on the need to see SWAMI in universal from and concept and not limit to this form and name alone.This would enhance our Vinson and would help in our expansion and broad thinking.

The DP fully explained the SSS VIP concept and how one should be participating with at least one group of samithi members once in a month for at least 4/5 hours. The DP has provided comprehensive plans of the organization and communication that are available and the expectation of the organization. He has requested for participation of all members and also other group samithi's along with them whether or not they are contributing in any form.The whole concept of the SSS VIP is tolerance and unity and working together.

The meeting ended at 9.30 pm and were happy at the end of the day to see many quarries answered.

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