Wednesday, January 28, 2009


28th of Janaury 2009,Wednesday

Dear Brothers and Sisters,sairam and good day
How are you all doing? I am aware you are fully engaged in some form or the other in tasks related to PREMA JYOTHI that is filling the hearts of every one with Divine Love.
I am deeply, anguished and concerned to learn that some of us are still waiting to be called for this Unique divine mission tasks.
You will recall and recognise that we are in His mission and we need to run and participate and take up responsibilities.
Responsibilities in our Divine Organisation are normally and invariably taken and not given!-Recognisation is granted by HIM and never others.
I would like all of you who have been not contacted personally by name or invitation or tele call or notinformed, to come-please approach me or the designated coordinators to pick up their responsibilities.There are very many restricted and challenging tasks that needs your help and support, like never before!-We need you now at once.
We apolozise for missing you in our rush of things happening.
We need to walk our talk now....The important stage of putting things together begins to day and that is just a week away from now!
Our young and senior members and new entrants are working night and day and it is very heartening to see the women folk too are with us in large numbers with keen interest.Do you know ?How happy our Swami is now to learn that we are all together!
Hyderabad members are in the Divine eye and is looking at setting up trends in this direction of the Divine mission-we need to rise to this expectation and is very simple too-that is just be in tune with what is going on....that is all we need to do!-We have done this and we need to maintain and continue this....
No task is big or small-all are tasks dedicated to the Divine mission like the different parts of the body that work in unison and cohesion to maintain the equilibrium-so too our members from different sections working for the same cause with devotion and love for the Almighty--in the words of our dear Swami last week
Look forward to seeing you all
I love you
Your Dsitrict President
In Sai Service

Devotion to God is not to be calculated on the basis of the institutions one has started or helped, the temples that one has built or renovated, the donations one has given away, nor the number of times that one has written or recited the Name of the Lord. These are not vital at all, not even secondary. Devotion is Divine Love, unsullied by any tinge of desire for the benefit that flows from it, or the fruit of the action, or the consequence of that love. It is love that knows no particular season or reason. Its nature is such as the love of the soul for the Divine, the river for the sea, the creeper for the tree, the star for the sky, and the spring for the cliff down which it flows. It is sweet, in bad times as well as in good.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 25, 1964

1-11-251/B,Apartment- A 203
"The Windsor"
Brindavan colony
TEL:040 66317091
MOBILE:98497 54445

1-11-251/B,Apartment- A 203
"The Windsor"
Brindavan colony
TEL:040 66317091
MOBILE:98497 54445

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