Dear Brothers,and sisters,Sairam and good day
Not many would have seen the programme at Sivam on Sunday the 13th of July 2008-It is all about Reprogramming lives of every one. This has been a very special and touching activity designed and executed by our Hyderabad youth groups.It is not a one day job,they had to work many months before they could launch this activity in May.
It all started with the kind and generous permission granted by our Sri A.Ranga Rao garu and the prayers to our beloved Swami by our boys followed by their efforts in pooling and mobilizing the resources and systematic follow up thereafter.Our computer guys like Sri Sreepada,Gangadha Sarma,Sreedhar,Pavan, Naveen,Satheyendra and a number of guys spent many deep nights to get this going.Remember it is not easy-it is hard to come out like that in the software world business.
Similarly at Saroornagar Convner Vasudeva Rao took lot of interest and pain to get his end on the subject going.Sri Vinay has evinced keen interest in training the boys with Sri Naveen.They spent a lot of their time and resources in this project. Of course there has been full fledged back by our A- team comprising, Sri Y.Srinivas,Sai Gollapudi,Balachandra,Ramana Reddy and Gopikrishna.The Samithi conveners and unit in-charges support has been the main stay in understanding and providing the logistics and selection etc,
Not many would have seen the programme at Sivam on Sunday the 13th of July 2008-It is all about Reprogramming lives of every one. This has been a very special and touching activity designed and executed by our Hyderabad youth groups.It is not a one day job,they had to work many months before they could launch this activity in May.
It all started with the kind and generous permission granted by our Sri A.Ranga Rao garu and the prayers to our beloved Swami by our boys followed by their efforts in pooling and mobilizing the resources and systematic follow up thereafter.Our computer guys like Sri Sreepada,Gangadha Sarma,Sreedhar,Pavan, Naveen,Satheyendra and a number of guys spent many deep nights to get this going.Remember it is not easy-it is hard to come out like that in the software world business.
Similarly at Saroornagar Convner Vasudeva Rao took lot of interest and pain to get his end on the subject going.Sri Vinay has evinced keen interest in training the boys with Sri Naveen.They spent a lot of their time and resources in this project. Of course there has been full fledged back by our A- team comprising, Sri Y.Srinivas,Sai Gollapudi,Balachandra,Ramana Reddy and Gopikrishna.The Samithi conveners and unit in-charges support has been the main stay in understanding and providing the logistics and selection etc,
The Kitchen staff members were outstanding in providing good meals every day! Sri Pattabhi is one of the guys who bears all that but says nothing!But simply helps with all that is required. You may be wondering why am I taking these names after all?This is to invite all the other guys to come and join us and enjoy this great mission of the Lord. You will be simply missing if you do not at least come and witness as to what is going on...
It is amazing to see the Hyderabad boys and elders in Men and women going week after week to the villages- organizing,serving the village folk in so many ways and coming back satisfied and feel happy that they are in HIS mission. I was delighted to see and enjoy our MC Balachandara at his best with our Ramachnadra,Sreepada,Sreedhar Sarma,Sathyendra,Vinay taking over the programme-I was very pleased to hear the applause from our elders in the audience. I begin to learn -given freedom and responsibility-how well they organised-The stage decoration was simply superb!
The seniors and elders were simply very happy and aprreciated the efforts of the boys in staging this programme-Swami's blessings all the way to them. Incidentally, you will wonder- why am not describing what happened on 13th morning at Sivam? Fortunately this time it is Sri Mullapudi our brother who will address this appropriately.I am happy, he tells me ,but for my mail he would not have come!-This shows my mails are working for some at least and am sure many soonest- to witness and enjoy this programme and many more to come!
It is amazing that he has taken notes and wrote the report as well...Now it is time that I stop here! and you read, enjoy and call us back--if you like it!
Thanks for your patient reading!
Love you all dear readers
In Sai Service
Your District President
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